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Attend the monthly meetings
The Board of Directors has a monthly meeting in the Galleria that takes places the third wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm. You can be alerted of the dates by joining or by visiting the meetings page.
Why do it
Since most homeowners do not attend these meetings, the Board of Directors can be under the impression that "everything is fine". No one coming to complain, no reason to change anything.
If we learned anything from the Hammocks HOA scandal, is that we cannot take anything from granted. There are many issues that affect all homeowners and only by being in attendance we can prevent them. Otherwise we are giving a free pass to others to make decisions on our behalf.
If we learned anything from the Hammocks HOA scandal, is that we cannot take anything from granted. There are many issues that affect all homeowners and only by being in attendance we can prevent them. Otherwise we are giving a free pass to others to make decisions on our behalf.